Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons Podcast

Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons Podcast

Latest Episodes

Google Knows What You Buy
May 19, 2019

It shouldn't surprise you to learn that Google can read your Gmail. You may even realize that Google is scanning your emails for things like trip itineraries, which allows them to automatically add flights and hotel reservations to your Google Calendar...

Time to Break Up Facebook
May 12, 2019

Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes makes a heartfelt and cogent argument for breaking up the world's dominant social media company, Facebook. The litmus test for the US Government has focused too much on impact to consumer pricing,

Health Apps Behaving Badly
May 05, 2019

A disturbing study in the JAMA Network Open journal showed that almost all of 36 mental health apps they downloaded were sharing your data to some extent - many without proper or even any disclosure. Many shared basic data with Facebook and Google,

Further Facebook Fiascos
April 28, 2019

Facebook has once again gone too far and, when caught, asked for forgiveness and promised to change. First it was revealed that Facebook has been requesting since May 2016 that new users provide their email account passwords in order to verify their em...

Swiped: Identity Theft (Pt 2)
April 21, 2019

How do you deal with the threat of identity theft? Follow Adam Levin's 3 M's: 1) minimize your exposure, 2) monitor your accounts, and 3) manage the damage. We discuss these techniques and much more in part two of my interview with Adam Levin,

Swiped: Identity Theft (pt 1)
April 14, 2019

Identity theft is arguably one of the worst cyber crimes in terms of deep and lasting impact to the victim. This runs the gamut from simple credit card fraud to committing crimes in someone else's name. We'll talk about the entire spectrum today in par...

Spotting Scare Scams
April 07, 2019

Bad guys have been using scary emails and pop-up messages to bilk unsuspecting victims of millions of dollars for a long time now. But recent scams purporting to be from the CIA have taken things to a new level. In today's show,

Fix It Already!
March 31, 2019

How often have you run across something so obviously bad or behind the times that you just want to scream: Hey, fix this already! Electronic Frontier Foundation to the rescue! Gennie Gebhart explains the EFF's new #FixItAlready campaign - a "most wante...

Preparing for Your Digital Afterlife
March 24, 2019

What happens to your digital life when you die? The answer is only slightly less philosophical than what happens to your soul. The laws, as least in the US, haven't kept up with the times and there aren't clear rules for who has legal rights to your on...

Enter the Panopticon (Part 2)
March 17, 2019

In second half of my interview with EFF's Bill Budington, Bill helps us understand how we can at least attempt to disguise ourselves on the web and basically try to blend in with the crowd. We'll also see how tools like EFF's Panopticlick can hep us pi...
