Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons Podcast

Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons Podcast

Privacy Tide is Turning

January 09, 2023

Facebook stock is down 65%, they just paid $725M to settle the Cambridge Analytica lawsuit, and they’ve just been fined over $400M by the EU. But that’s not the worst part (for Meta). The EU and its General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is basically saying that its entire business model – surveillance capitalism – is wrong and must stop. That’s the same business model used by Google, too. It really seems that the tide is finally turning in favor of user privacy as more nails are hammered into the coffin of behavior-based advertising.

In other news: the first LastPass class actions lawsuit has been filed over the recently announced data breach; WhatsApp adds a feature to bypass internet censorship by repressive regimes; Pornhub is now requiring viewers from Louisiana to verifying the age via ID; data from up to 400M Twitter accounts is up for sale; a military device containing information including biometric scans of over 2000 people was bought on eBay for $68; Mom and daughter kicked out of Rockettes show in Radio City Music Hall. Plus, a Dear Carey question and my Tip of the Week.

Article Links
  1. [TechRadar] LastPass is being sued following major cyberattack
  2. [The Washington Post] WhatsApp adds feature to bypass internet censors in repressive regimes
  3. [The Verge] Meta agrees to pay $725 million to settle Cambridge Analytica class action lawsuit
  4. [The Hacker News] Irish Regulators Fine Facebook $414 Million for Forcing Users to Accept Targeted Ads
  5. [Ars Technica] Pornhub requires ID from Louisiana users to comply with state’s new porn law
  6. [Naked Security] Twitter data of “+400 million unique users” up for sale – what to do?
  7. [The New York Times] For Sale on eBay: A Military Database of Fingerprints and Iris Scans
  8. [Ars Technica] MSG defends using facial recognition to kick lawyer out of Rockettes show
  9. [Lifehacker] You Can Disable Google Sign-in Pop-ups on All Websites

Further Info

Table of Contents

Use these timestamps to jump to a particular section of the show.

  • 0:01:09: Show preview
  • 0:03:01: LastPass updates and first law suit
  • 0:12:22: WhatsApp adds feature allowing censorship bypass
  • 0:15:19: Facebook settles Cambridge Analytica suit for $725M
  • 0:16:50: Irish Regulators Fine Facebook $414 Million
  • 0:21:34: Pornhub requires ID from Louisiana users
  • 0:27:11: 400M+ Twitter users data for sale
  • 0:35:22: Military device with biometric data found on eBay
  • 0:40:37: Woman ejected from Rockettes show
  • 0:44:12: Dear Carey: how do I improve my passwords?
  • 0:49:05: Tip of the Week: Banishing Google’s “sign in” pop ups
  • 0:54:40: Annual listener survey!!
  • 0:55:34: Looking ahead
  • 0:55:58: Book updates
