Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons Podcast

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Slay Browser Ads Forever
Google's Chrome browser is rolling out changes that will hamstring ad blockers - so there's never been a better time to try a better browser. There are a handful of good options, but I'm going to reco
Back to The L0pht
Today, we travel back in time and back to The L0pht with one of the original founders of L0pht Heavy Industries, Weld Pond (aka Chris Wysopal). We'll talk about how hacker culture has impacted modern
Onion Routing
Not all Privacy Enhancing Technologies are new - but this one is probably new to you. Onion routing was developing in the 1990's by the US government and is the basis for the Tor Network. Onion routin
Security Planner
Generic security advice is good, but tailored advice is much better. Everyone's situation is a little different. What are you trying to protect? Who or what are you trying to protect it from? What are
Crypto Wars 2.0
Privacy is a human right - and you don't have to justify rights, you just have them. That's kinda the whole point. But you do need to exercise them and defend them sometimes. It has been leaked that t
Controlling Your Digital ID
In the real world, we present different aspects of ourselves in different environments: home, work, family, friends, school, etc. Why can't we do this in the virtual world, as well? While marketers lo
Treat Plugins Like Apps
Software plugins allow you to add functionality to existing applications. Web browsers commonly use these extensions to add functionality like shopping helpers, password managers, ad blockers and much
Reclaiming Data Privacy
There are way too many data brokers and they have way too much of our data. We've talked a lot lately about what you can do to reclaim your privacy and claw back some of that data and today I'm going
New Year’s Resolutions 2025!
The start of a new year is always a good time to add some big juicy goals to your to-do list - call them New Year's Resolutions, if that works for you, but really it's just about making up your mind t
ALPRs Are Everywhere
There are many ways in which we are tracked in the real world, but one of the most ubiquitous and insidious technologies is Automated License Plate Readers. These camera systems are deployed in just a