Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons Podcast

Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons Podcast

Best of 2022!

December 19, 2022

The year is almost over and as we head into the holiday season I wanted to reminisce with some of my favorite snippets from the last year! Unlike in previous ‘best of’ shows, I’ve actually included some new snippets from my private podcast, to give you a little taste of the bonus content that I create for my patrons! The links in the show notes will take you to the full episodes, including all the relevant ‘further information’ links associated with them.

Happy holidays, everyone!!

Article Links
  1. Ep267: Luck Favors the Prepared 
  2. Ep279: Necessary Chaos: 
  3. Ep272: Tomatoes & Telegraphs: 
  4. Ep275: Cryptocurrency 101: 
  5. Ep283: How to Stop Tracking & Stalking: 
  6. Ep287: The Night the Lights Went Out in Vegas: 
  7. Ep289: Decoding Computers & Software: 
  8. Ep292: Capture the Flag for Fun & Profit:
  9. Steganography:

Further Info

Table of Contents

Use these timestamps to jump to a particular section of the show.

  • 0:02:17: Ep267: How the internet works
  • 0:10:23: Ep279: Getting into electronics and hacking
  • 0:16:22: Ep273: The invention of the one-time pad
  • 0:24:36: Ep275: Why do we need cryptocurrency?
  • 0:30:26: Ep283 BONUS: What’s it like arguing in front of the Supreme Court?
  • 0:35:33: Ep283: This suspect looks just like Woody Harrelson!
  • 0:40:26: Ep287: The time DEF CON almost ended
  • 0:49:15: Ep289: The historical origins of software and storage
  • 0:56:28: Ep292: Ender’s Game-ing a hacker tournament
  • 1:02:20: Ep288 Merlin’s Musings: Steganography
  • 1:10:39: Wrap-up
