Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons Podcast

Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons Podcast

Luck Favors the Prepared

April 11, 2022

Today, most of us take the internet – and access to the internet – for granted. It’s ubiquitous. However, the current war in Ukraine has (hopefully) made us realize that things can change dramatically overnight. While we can always hope for the best, we should be at least minimally prepared for the worst. I’m not suggesting we all prepare for military invasion, but there are much more likely scenarios that might lead to power and communications infrastructure problems like bad storms, natural disasters, and even radical political shifts in democratic countries. Understanding the fundamentals of how our digital world works can help us be more resilient in the face of emergencies. Today I’ll be speaking with a lead cybersecurity instructor from the Tech Learning Collective about some lessons we can learn from the current Russia-Ukraine conflict and be better prepared for digital disruption.

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