Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons Podcast

Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons Podcast

Securing Your Mobile Device

February 28, 2022

Your cell phone is a super computer and phenomenally powerful tracking device. Even George Orwell wouldn’t have dreamed that telescreens would be pocket sized and that citizens would willingly carry them 24/7. That one device knows all about you and has access to your most personal and critical information, including contacts, emails, social media, financial accounts, medical information, and much more. Furthermore, these devices are often used to secure our accounts through two-factor authentication. Stealing or cloning someone’s mobile phone can have dire consequences. Therefore, it’s crucial that we protect it. Today, I’ll speak with Habeeb Awan whose company Efani is dedicated to providing secure phones and cell service to its VIP clientele, and we’ll get his insights into the security risks and mitigation techniques of the mobile world.

Haseeb Awan built one of the first and largest bitcoin ATMs – Bitaccess – which has 8000+ locations in 15 countries. He is also the CEO of Efani, America’s most secure and private cell phone service, which protects people against SIM Swaps, eavesdropping, and location tracking.

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