Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons Podcast

Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons Podcast

The Best of 2021

December 27, 2021

We’ve come to the end of another year. As we take a breather and gather with family and friends for the holidays, it’s a good time to look back over the year that just passed. I’ve collected a handful of snippets from some of my favorite shows from this year, along with some a little commentary.

If you’re new to the show, you can catch up on some stuff you may have missed. Or if you’d like to introduce someone else to the podcast, this would be a great one to share.

You can find all the original, full-length episodes using the links below.

Best Of Episodes
  1. Ep206, Feb 8 – Troy Hunt, De-Platforming:
  2. Ep214, Apr 5 – Phil Zimmerman, Social media is ruining society
  3. Ep219, May 10 – Alison Macrina, library freedom ​​ 
  4. Ep232, Aug 9 – DEFCON – understanding hackers 
  5. Ep233, Aug 16 – DEFCON – Jeff Moss interview
  6. Ep235, Aug 30 – Morpheus – Todd Austin
  7. Ep237, Sep 13 – Privacy for Cars – Andrea Amico
  8. Ep245, Nov 8 – Harri Hursti 
  9. Ep200, Dec 27, 2020 – Bruce Schneier 

Further Info
