Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons Podcast

Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons Podcast

Using Email Aliases

December 04, 2023

Your online account credentials have two parts: a user name and a password. Today, most online providers force you to use your email address for your user name. This gives the service provider a guaranteed way to contact (and spam) their users, but it also means that bad guys know half of all your credentials and data brokers have a unique ID to track you across all your accounts. Today I’ll explain the value of using email aliases for your online user names.

In other news: Iranian hackers attack US water plant; CISA launches program to address critical infrastructure threats; Google Drive users report missing data; Plex users fear new feature will leak p0rn watching habits; several articles on the ease of using data broker tools to spy on just about anyone, creating privacy and national security problems; smart mattress company CEO inadvertently reveals extent of data collection; concerns about IoT device sold with a home; overblown fears over Apple’s new NameDrop feature; Zelle offering refunds to some scam victims; and Malwarebyte’s survey of people’s security practices (spoiler: it’s bad).

Article Links
  1. [The Hacker News] Iranian Hackers Exploit PLCs in Attack on Water Authority in U.S.
  2. [Dark Reading] CISA Launches Pilot Program to Address Critical Infrastructure Threats
  3. [AppleInsider] Google Drive users complain of missing files, months of data disappearing
  4. [] Plex Users Fear New Feature Will Leak Porn Habits to Their Friends and Family
  5. [Rolling Stone] We Spied on Trump’s ‘Southern White House’ From Our Couches
  6. [] Data brokers selling even more sensitive info; national security risk, says report
  7. [MIT Technology Review] The US military’s privacy problem in three charts
  8. [] Court rules automakers can record and intercept owner text messages
  9. [] CEO Reminds Everyone His Company Collects Customers’ Sleep Data to Make Zeitgeisty Point About OpenAI Drama
  10. [] Who Is Gonna “Own” the IoT?
  11. [TechRadar] NameDrop in iOS 17 doesn’t have to be a privacy nightmare – here’s how to control it
  12. [] Zelle scams: App now starting limited refunds, under pressure from lawmakers
  13. [] 3 crucial security steps people should do, but don’t
  14. OwnCloud hack: 
  15. Pros & Cons of Antivirus Software: 
  16. Tip of the Week:

Further Info

Table of Contents

Use these timestamps to jump to a particular section of the show.

  • 0:00:57: Important software updates
  • 0:01:56: News run down
  • 0:05:18: Iranian Hackers Exploit PLCs in Attack on Water Authority in U.S.
  • 0:07:49: CISA Launches Pilot Program to Address Critical Infrastructure Threats
  • 0:09:38: Google Drive users complain of missing files, data
  • 0:14:55: Plex Users Fear New Feature Will Leak P*rn Habits to Their Friends and Family
  • 0:19:34: We Spied on Trump’s ‘Southern White House’ From Our Couches
  • 0:23:36: Data brokers selling even more sensitive info creating national security risk
  • 0:26:48: The US military’s privacy problem in three charts
  • 0:30:33: Court rules automakers can record and intercept owner text messages
  • 0:32:49: CEO Reminds Everyone His Company Collects Customers’ Sleep Data via Tweet
  • 0:39:09: Transferring IoT devices in a home sale
  • 0:43:30: NameDrop in iOS 17 doesn’t have to be a privacy nightmare
  • 0:47:56: Zelle now starting limited refunds, under pressure from lawmakers
  • 0:52:08: 3 crucial security steps people should do, but don’t
  • 0:57:56: Tip of the Week: email aliases
  • 1:03:12: Plan for December
  • 1:08:59: Reaching more people
