Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons Podcast

Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons Podcast

It’s Time to Try Proton

October 23, 2023

Email is old and was never built for security and privacy. Thankfully there are several modern secure email services. My personal favorite is Proton Mail and I’ll explain to you today why you should really give it a try. I will also (finally) answer several interesting “Dear Carey” questions from listeners.

In other news: If you use WinRAR, you need to update right away; hackers are targeting a company that brokers Emergency Data Requests between law enforcement and Big Tech companies; Google is forced to reveal user search history in a CO court case; Google is making passkeys the default, but you may want to wait; EFF asks MasterCard to stop selling our data; and Bruce Schneier has an insightful article around the rather heated discussions over the benefits and dangers of artificial intelligence.

Article Links
  1. [Gizmodo] You Need to Update WinRAR, Right Now
  2. [] Hackers Target Company That Vets Police Data Requests for Tech Giants
  3. [TechSpot] Google forced to reveal user search history in Colorado court ruling
  4. [] Passwordless by default: Make the switch to passkeys
  5. [Electronic Frontier Foundation] Mastercard Should Stop Selling Our Data
  6. [Schneier Blog] AI Risks
  7. Tip of the Week: Try Proton 

Further Info

Table of Contents

Use these timestamps to jump to a particular section of the show.

  • 0:01:12: News rundown
  • 0:02:38: You Need to Update WinRAR, Right Now
  • 0:05:10: Hackers Target Company That Vets Police Data Requests for Tech Giants
  • 0:11:22: Google forced to reveal user search history in Colorado court ruling
  • 0:15:59: Google: Passwordless by default
  • 0:21:48: EFF: Mastercard Should Stop Selling Our Data
  • 0:25:59: Bruce Schneier: AI Risks
  • 0:33:12: Mailbag!!
  • 0:42:28: Tip of the Week: Try Proton
  • 0:54:25: Wrap up, look ahead
