Financial Aid Podcast

Financial Aid Podcast

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Tips and Tricks for Off Campus Living (and Saving Money too!)
February 15, 2010

From personal experience, living in the dorms isn’t always the most pleasant experience, and many students choose to move out of the dorms after their freshman year. There are a lot of benefits to getting an apartment, including more privacy and you

American Cancer Society College Aid Programs for Survivors of Childhood Cancer
February 15, 2010

American Cancer Society Scholarships are usually offered through state or regional chapters of the American Cancer Society for students attending two- or four-year colleges in the area. Call 1-800-ACS-2345 for information and to find the closest ACS offic

Do I need a credit card for college?
February 12, 2010

With all of this talk about credit it is hard for high school and college students to weed out the good information and advice from the bad information and advice. Some people preach that credit cards are evil and that there is no need for a student to ha

Opinion: Better to Eliminate Perks than People (Herald Bulletin)
February 12, 2010

"In good economic times, private companies and government entities offer perks to their employees to not only lure workers but to keep them on the payroll," the Herald Bulletin reports. "In bad times, however, when money dries up, those perks fall by the

The FAFSA and You
February 12, 2010

To open, I’d like to ask a simple question: Have you filed your FAFSA yet? If no, you should know that the FAFSA is one of the most valuable financial aid tools in a student’s arsenal (besides scholarships and grants, which are the best) becau

Demystifying Federal Student Loans
February 11, 2010

If you’re like me, you probably were at least somewhat confused the first time you looked at your financial award letter. “Stafford Loans”, “Perkins Loans”, “PLUS Loans”, what does it all mean?! Well friend, I&#82

White House Takes Aim at Lobbyists Trying to Sink Student-Loan Bill (Huffington Post)
February 11, 2010

"Taking aim at Sallie Mae, the largest student lender in the country and a driving force behind the lobbying effort, Education Secretary Arne Duncan on Tuesday accused the company of using taxpayer funds to lobby and advertise, and cast its executives as

Consolidating Graduate and Undergraduate Student Loans
February 11, 2010

There is no doubt that the best time to consolidate your federal student loans is during you grace period. Consolidation makes jumping into the repayment process a lot easier because it leaves you with one interest rate, one lender, and one monthly paymen

Paper or Plastic? What to consider about paying for the little things.
February 10, 2010

Let’s start at the beginning. You’re entering school, and find out that maybe financial aid doesn’t fully cover all your expenses, like books, supplies, maybe a meal or two a week that goes under the radar. You think to yourself… &#822

College Goal Sunday Offers Expert Help with Financial Aid Form (Youth Today)
February 10, 2010

"Even though the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, better known as FAFSA, has been simplified and put online, it still makes sense for youths and their families to get trained help filling out the form," Youth Today reports. "That's the message of