Financial Aid Podcast

Financial Aid Podcast

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Stafford Loans, in Plain English
February 22, 2010

Now that it’s FAFSA time, I thought that the second installment of this blog should focus on a piece of federal aid that many students receive as part of their award: the federal Stafford loan. Read on to find answers to questions like: “What

Virginia: Pell Grant Aid Grows by Millions at Local Colleges (Lynchburg News and Advance)
February 22, 2010

"Lynchburg-area colleges received a major increase in federal Pell Grant money this year, giving a boost to low-income college students who are struggling to contend with a weak economy and the rising cost of higher education," the Lynchburg News and Adva

Sallie Mae’s Version of Reform (New America Foundation)
February 19, 2010

"Pity Sallie Mae, it is so misunderstood," New America Foundation reports. "The student loan giant says it has spent millions of dollars on high-priced lobbyists and showered lawmakers with hundreds of thousands of dollars of campaign contributions over t

Graduate School – What’s in a name?
February 18, 2010

A question that we receive pretty much daily from our readers is the eternal question of post-undergrad education: should I go for the “name” school? It actually is a great question, because there are so many pieces that go into choosing the r

Maryland: Cuts Force Closure of County Schools’ Financial Aid Center (
February 18, 2010

"Charlene Ellison said a free resource available to students and parents in Prince George's County Public Schools helped her daughter find, apply for and receive enough money in scholarships that her first year of college was virtually paid for," Gazette.

The Lowe’s Scholarship
February 18, 2010

Lowe’s will award one hundred forty (140) $2,500 scholarships to high school seniors who intend to enroll in an undergraduate course of study in the U.S. for the 2010-2011 school year.

Ohio: Campus Officials Liking Obama’s Plan, So Far (Marion Star)
February 17, 2010

"President Barack Obama's education proposals are receiving support from area college officials and financial aid advisers, though it may mean more work coming across their desks," the Marion Star reports.

Federal Work Study, in Plain English
February 17, 2010

Well, it’s that time of the year again; time to file your taxes, FAFSA, and other paperwork goodies to your respective school(s). I have received a lot of questions about how different student programs work, and decided to start this “… in P

Alaska: Lawmakers Consider Needs-Based Component for Scholarship Plan (Fairbanks Daily News-Miner)
February 16, 2010

"Lawmakers will consider a major change to scholarship plans proposed by Gov. Sean Parnell," the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner reports. "The House Education Committee on Monday heard a motion to add room in the proposed scholarship plan to help financially d

FAFSA and You
February 15, 2010

To open, I’d like to ask a simple question: Have you filed your FAFSA yet? If no, you should know that the FAFSA is one of the most valuable financial aid tools in a student’s arsenal (besides scholarships and grants, which are the best) becau