FILO Podcast

FILO Podcast

Episode 097: Joanne Botten

May 15, 2023

Todd is joined by Joanne Botten, long time Willow Creek volunteer turned production staff turned the leader of Arts and Worship at Willow Creek South Barrington. They get a chance to talk through surviving through different eras of a church’s story and the necessary focus on people.

Show Notes:

FILO 2024 Conference: Registration has opened for FILO 2024! In-Conference pricing ends May 31, 2023 and is the lowest pricing you’ll have access to all year. Learn more and register today at

Summer Skills Cohort: Looking to extend the FILO Conference into the rest of the year? Join us this summer for a 3-month Cohort experience. Each session you’ll journey with like-minded technical artists for growth and support. Then, you’ll meet with an industry leader for an in-depth discussion around audio, video, and lighting. The best part? Sharing how you’re learning and growing with your cohort for added support and accountability.

There will be a 90 minute session once a month for the 3 months of summer (June, July, August) and you can register for all 3 at a discounted rate, or pick and choose which months you want to join and register for them individually. Learn more at

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Have ideas for the FILO Podcast? Email your feedback, send us your topic ideas or names of people you think we should interview!

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