Fight For Yourself
Latest Episodes
Episode 038 - Let's Get A Jump Start
Don't wait for New Year's resolutions to change your life. Start now before the holiday season gets in gear!
Episode 037 - Healthy For The Holidays
I discuss 3 important tips to remember during the holiday season that will help you stay on track with your health goals.
Episode 036 - The Chattering Mind
Step back from your overactive thoughts. Realize they are not always true, and they do not define you.
Episode 035 - The Next Small Step
Learning to divide and conquer when I don't know where to start has helped me tremendously. All you have to do is just take the next small step.
Episode 034 - Resilience and Grit
Success is often not determined by talent, or skill, but instead by resilience and grit. Just keep going!
Episode 033 - Diving Deeper
A continuation of the previous episode where we go deeper in to the idea of taking pause and learning from what we experience.
Episode 032 - The Power Of Pause
Constantly filling my life with activity and distraction leaves me out of balance. Taking pause helps me catch my breath and realign my thoughts.
Episode 031 - Two Years Later
I retrace the tiny steps and little choices I've made over the last 2 years, since I began fighting for myself.
Episode 030 - Crack It Open
Look inside and don't be afraid to clean out the cob webs of past issues.
Episode 029 - Back To Basics
I list the top 8 simple things that helped me change my mind and body.