Feminine as F*ck

Feminine as F*ck

Latest Episodes

39: "We don't need to bleed" - a claim from The Guardian
July 21, 2019

This episode, I give you all educational insight into why this Guardian article is complete bullshit and a disgrace to human nature. Doctors and Gyno's saying that 'periods have no health benefit'... like WHAT?!  Anyway it was good content for the p

38: From Paris: The Universe is working for you!
July 15, 2019

Another little chicken nugget for you all as i've had an eventful day getting to Paris.  The Art of Coming Off hormonal Birth control is nearly here! http://monicayateshealth.getlearnworlds.com/course?courseid=the-art-of-coming-off-hormonal-birth-co

37: Business Q+A for the 250K mark
July 02, 2019

This episode is actually an instagram live Q+A which was SO juicy that i had to post it here for you all. Excuse the crapy sound quality but the info and chicken nuggets are well worth it  Join Queen Alchemy https://monicayates.com.au/queenalchemy/&n

36: Expanding into the next level + my Genoa story
June 28, 2019

A quickie but a goodie! I moved hotels last minute for my stay in Genoa and I explain the why behind it and also the importance of doing things like this for your expansion This is the LAST week to sign up for Bad Ass Bitches Academy so if you're feeling

35: What it's REALLY like travelling alone + a Q+A
June 27, 2019

In this episode i'm giving you all a juicy dive into my travelling adventures alone as I record this episode in STUNNING Ibiza where we will be hosting our next retreat! Boujee Ass Bitches officially has ONE space left!  Follow me on instagram here

34: This is ACTUALLY what's stopping you from doing the work
June 20, 2019

 A couple of weeks ago on my Instagram story I asked about some of the things that are holding you girls back from doing “the work”. I’ve answered these and helped you to decode what your mind is actually saying so you can step into that dream life m

33: How to harness your femininity and find power in your cycle
June 17, 2019

In this episode, I do an event recap from my first Feminine as F*ck Event in Sydney as well as sharing an interview that I did with Casey from The Real Her Project who is working with me to bring Feminine as F*ck to BRISBANE end of July!!  You can ch

32: Fertility is a sign of full health
June 10, 2019

In this episode i go through all the food, nutrients and lifestyle factors that contribute to a healthy pregnancy. This is worth the listen for EVERYONE because it is important that you do these things BEFORE you even start trying.  ♡ To book in your

31: Blood manifestation + you don't need to look outside yourself
June 03, 2019

A trend that I have noticed with clients, is that they've spent their life looking outside of themselves for the answers. In today's podcast, I explain why you already have the answer within yourself PLUS I share how I use my blood to manifest! Yep you re

30: Cacao & Convos: Inside men's brains!
May 27, 2019

Oh LADIES!! This is a JUICY FUCKING EP!!!! Talking to two amazing men that I met when in New York talking at an event and we are here answering all your questions that you sent through!  Grab the popcorn because this episode is fricken UNREAL!