Feminine as F*ck

Feminine as F*ck

Latest Episodes

68: For my men: How to be in your masculine to guide her deeper into her feminine
December 06, 2019

"Make sure that your word is your honour and you stick to what you’ve said." "If you want your woman to open up deeper you need to make sure that you are maintaining a very safe container for her to flow around of." "If you are always in your ego ... that

67: Being confident in your boundaries
December 04, 2019

“As long as you’ve had the intention with love, then you cannot control their reactions.” “It is not your responsibility to deal with how someone has responded to your boundary.” “You can only control the way that YOU communicate to somebody.” ☾ How to b

66: How to be a Witch
November 26, 2019

Juicy episode for you ladies, all on how to be a witch! “A witch is a woman that is fully in her power.” “Being a witch is fully having your own back.” “Whatever alignment looks like for you, that is what a witch is.” “Witches aren’t creepy, it is just w

65: Chicken Nugget: Should I take his name?
November 18, 2019

“You create meanings out of little things.” “We create our reality based off of the stories we tell ourselves.” “Make sure that you’re monitoring your perception of things. Because if you are reading things to suit your paradigm, then everything is going

64: Instant gratification is NOT hot
November 15, 2019

"If you can't draw boundaries, you are going to have a shit life." "The problem is when you start nagging somebody for not fulfilling YOUR expectation quickly enough." "By you having boundaries, it also allows you to create a feeling of freedom." ☾How in

63: Vegetable oil can kill you
November 06, 2019

Sounds drastic, and that's because it is. This one "Food" that is in so many of the things people eat these days (i.e. processed foods) can literally kill you. In this episode we talk about:  ☾What vegetable oil is ☾The difference between vegetable

62: How men can help get your cycle on track and men not wanting to take the lead
October 23, 2019

Ladies - a much awaited episode that you don't want to miss

61: Cacao & Convos with Lexi: Brain surgery, blood clots, the pill and navigating hospitals
October 21, 2019

 60: Cacao & Convos with Lexi: Brain surgery, blood clots, the pill and navigating hospitals ☾ The dangers of the pill ☾ Mental and body changes + challenges upon getting on the pill ☾ Seeing challenges as part of your story ☾ Lexi’s mental and

60: What's the deal with the Morning After Pill?
October 14, 2019

I cover: ☾ Why you need to know your cycle ☾ How the morning after pill works ☾ Risks involved with the morning after pill ☾ Nutrients + food you need to load up on after taking the morning after pill ☾ Importance of being conscio

59: Cacao & Convos with Bryan and Dom: PART 2. Man bashing, women in modern society and SO MORE MORE!
October 08, 2019

Some of what we cover: ☾ Effectively communicating what you need ☾ Triggers as gateways to healing ☾ Identity creation from those around you ☾ Their thoughts on what masculinity actually is ☾ Men as part of the solution, not the problem ☾ Doing the work