Feminine as F*ck

Feminine as F*ck

Latest Episodes

78: Harbouring shame and toxic masculinity
January 17, 2020

Today Monica talks all about harbouring shame and toxic masculinity. JUICY juicy episode ladies! In the episode: ☾ What shame is ☾ How shame holds us back ☾ Ways to heal shame ☾ Examples of emasculating men ☾ Healthy shame that is essential to our growth

77: Cacao & Convos with Dad - how we are committing climate suicide and what we can ACTUALLY do NOW
January 03, 2020

“The courts determined that the liberals had effectively engaged in election fraud.” “It’s in the country’s long term interest if we have a stable environment and we keep our ecosystem strong… But no, we doesn’t want to talk about that because the party d

76: The Secrets of Feminine Pleasure
January 03, 2020

 “The integration [of pleasure practices] is where the magic is.” “When you feel pleasure, everything else is better…Whatever it is that makes you feel f*cking good, that’s pleasure.” “That pleasurable energy is your creative energy, it’s your life f

75: My Ski Accident Part 1
January 01, 2020

In this episode, I share with you all my ski accident that changed my life.   “I missed the little things. Being able to take myself to the bathroom, being able to shower myself, being able to sleep on my side, being able to sleep through the ni

74: 2019 reflections, creating lasting intentions, twin flames, soul mates and personal shares
December 31, 2019

 “Don’t get caught in an illusion of things. Don’t put everything else on a pedestal that you don’t currently have.” “Everything that you have right now is perfect.” “Celebrate not just the amazing things, but also the not amazing things, because the

73: Understanding Period Sex for men and women
December 23, 2019

 “If you put any shame on us around our bodies, around our periods, it’s going to close us off.” “The more that you are in love with a woman’s body, the more she will surrender and open her heart.” “We want you to fully take us and fully receive us,

72: How to have more play and connect to your inner child
December 20, 2019

 “Your inner child is still in there and they want that play. It helps you create more of that creative energy within you, which is your life force energy.” “Find those tiny things that make you so happy, and do more of them.” “Those things that seem

71: Navigating Drinking during the Holidays
December 17, 2019

“It all comes down to whether you are doing this consciously or not…If it’s to cover up a feeling, if it’s to avoid an emotion, that’s where the problem occurs. “There’s no right or wrong way to do this.” “Do what makes you feel good, ask yourself to ques

70: Don't give unsolicited advice
December 13, 2019

“If you want to deeply inspire somebody to go and do the work, your only job is to be the light.” “You are not doing yourself and favours and you are sure as shit not doing you passion any favours either.” “You don’t want people to do the work when they’r

69: Cacao & Convos with Olivia: Boundaries, people pleasing, owning a business
December 10, 2019

“I don’t have to over give and over serve to prove my value.” - Olivia “It is not within your control to know how people will respond, or to change their response.” - Monica “You have nothing to prove, you just have to step up and claim that I am worthy o