Feminine as F*ck

Feminine as F*ck

Latest Episodes

137: How to lead her in the bedroom / How to get him to lead in the bedroom | An interview with Monica Yates
December 15, 2020

Today's podcast episode is really important for both men and women to listen to. For the men, is going to help you understand how to lead your woman in the bedroom. And for women, it's going to help you understand how to inspire him to lead you in the bed

136: What is emasculation and how does it affect men AND women?
December 08, 2020

 In today's podcast, we are talking about Emasculination and what it actually is. I break it down in a way that will help you to understand what it feels like for a man and why we need to stop doing it!  I go over:  What emasculation is

135: Let men be men, and women be women | An interview w/ Monica Yates
December 01, 2020

In this episode, we go to the deep end of trigger warnings. This is a vital listen whether you're a man, a woman, an alien, or anyone wanting to have an understanding of the masculine and feminine and how to use them. Ruben, Jessie & Monica discuss: •

134: Heavy periods, the energetic component of your bleed, blood clots and missing periods
November 21, 2020

Another juicy episode talking all things periods as I've opened my new program; Your Perfect Period!  I'm talking about: My heavy period that I used to have  The catch 22 with iron and heavy bleeding  What can be causing your heavy pe

133: The Truth About Womb Healing, Periods, PMS, PCOS + Contraception. | An interview with Monica Yates
November 16, 2020

OMG every single woman should listen to this conversation.  Iam diving into the details around periods, PMS, PCOS, Endo, misdiagnosis, hormone regulation (and dysregulation), contraception and coming off the pill. Some juicy highlights are:

132: Endometriosis, painful periods and some inspo when your doctor makes you lose hope
November 11, 2020

This long-awaited episode is finally here! Today Monica is talking about all things Endo, how it can be wrongly diagnosed, giving you hope and support so that you know that you CAN heal your debilitating periods and you are not broken.  As mentioned

131: Cat Calling: the good, bad and ugly. How to navigate it and whether or not to shame the man.
November 06, 2020

Today's episode is one that yo guys have long awaited! I have mentioned catcalling on my Instagram before, and of course, taken a different view on it, and today I am breaking it down for you. I have answered your questions about it and hopefully helped s

130: Adding pleasure to your business and standing out in a sea of businesses + getting over procrastination, what to do when you aren’t getting clients and children & trauma
October 26, 2020

I cover:  Making your environment supportive of your energy Adding pleasure to your business Making your brand and business an EXPERIENCE How slowing down will allow you to be more in alignment and getting the downloads Creating anchors in y

129: The Line Between Manifesting and Overspending In Your Business
October 15, 2020

It's an all too common thread that I'm seeing in the industry of plastering the words "I make 6/7 figures" when in reality, they are broke or barely scraping by. It's misleading, deceptive and I'm of course talking about this and stirring the pot in this

128: Weight loss as a form of self love, body positivity and trauma
September 29, 2020

Whilst the media may make you feel like weight loss is now 'body hate'... I'm here to break this down. Losing weight because you love your body, is different from losing weight become you hate it. In fact, it's complete opposites. There is so much confusi