Feed Your Health

Feed Your Health

FYH 041 Manifestation Requires Gratitude and Pushing Yourself

January 23, 2023

This episode of “Feed Your Health” is a chatty sit-down with me as I talk about some recent adventures and share how I’m leaning into pushing myself to get uncomfortable this year. If you feel like your life needs a little bit more excitement – I discuss a few ways I’m creating that. Making a change isn’t easy, and trying new things takes guts, but the results are worth it. Thank you so much for listening!

Links and Resources:

Want weekly high-quality content around the big-dial movers of health? Sign up for my Newsletter. I get you small wins and share inspiring personal stories to empower you on your weight loss journey – https://morganeshepherd.com/newsletter/

Apply for my signature 1:1 coaching program, a personalized approach to weight loss to fit your needs and circumstances. – https://morganeshepherd.com/coaching/

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Instagram @morgan.e.shepherd – https://www.instagram.com/morgan.e.shepherd/

Also, find me on Facebook and TikTok.

Coming soon to Youtube!