Feed Your Health

Feed Your Health

FYH 037 Prioritizing Strength at Any Age and Ability with Jen Cavallaro

December 13, 2022

In this episode of “Feed Your Health,” I talk about the importance of strength at any age and ability with Coach Jen Cavallaro. Everyone deserves to be able to move comfortably in their body – and the right coach knows how to cater to your needs, no matter your age or history with movement. Jen works with women 40+, helping them ditch the fitness hamster wheel and build a stronger body for a stronger life. She advocates no more random workouts from a magazine and focuses on progressive overload. We discuss how to create structure with your workouts and fit it into your life. Building muscle is your insurance policy for aging with ease. It takes time, patience, and resilience. You’ll hear us talk about needing to push heavy weights and what that means for each individual. We also discuss other habits we’ve incorporated to support our weight training pursuits.

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Links and Resources for this episode:

Connect with Jen Cavallaro:

Instagram @upwardspiralfit- https://www.instagram.com/upwardspiralfit/

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/jennifer.cavallaro.14

Website –https://upwardspiralfit.com

Connect with Morgan!

Instagram @morgan.e.shepherd – https://www.instagram.com/morgan.e.shepherd/

Website –  morganeshepherd.com 

Facebook Morgan Shepherd – https://www.facebook.com/morgan.shepherd.98

TikTok – @morgan.e.shepherd https://www.tiktok.com/@morgan.e.shepherd
