Fear the Boot, Actual Play

Fear the Boot, Actual Play

Latest Episodes

Epoch of Rysos, Episode 5
November 02, 2023

Next stop: medical facilities in a system that should be quite a bit safer. Not that life always works out that way.

Epoch of Rysos, Episode 4
October 24, 2023

The first contract: retrieve a body from a mining station and find out just how much a corpse can be worth.

Epoch of Rysos, Interlude 1
May 17, 2023

Today, we ditch some stress and get back into gaming by taking a pitstop. Ever wondered about the world of cooking mysteries in the 42nd century? Me neither, but here it is! NOTE: This was a comedy im

Gunn for Hire – Episode 31 “Tricky Trixie”
August 19, 2022

Grace Gunn, Tommy Bam Bam Prue and Irving Holt didnt expect to find themselves sneaking around the Three Spires Country Club this evening in their effort to rescue Trixie from whomever it was that

Epoch of Rysos, Episode 3
August 16, 2022

A brief stop in the Atnia Cluster before heading to the teams first deployment. Concept art for the species mentioned Asta Freyep Reisian Sirini

Gunn for Hire – Episode 30 “Doublebooks”
July 28, 2022

Used to be a time when you could get by on your word and a handshake. While that might still be true for some things, here in Chicago, you get a whole truckload of palooks who want to justify their ex

Epoch of Rysos, Episode 2
May 02, 2022

Final game prep, group creation, and character creation. In case youre curious, this is what a Sirini looks like.

Epoch of Rysos, Episode 1
April 14, 2022

Doing a bit of pre-game prep to set some parameters for the game, to make session zero go more smoothly.

Gunn for Hire – Episode 29 “Putting it Together”
February 22, 2022

Right place, wrong time. Wrong place, right time. Doesnt matter how you slice it, theres some places you dont ever want to be, regardless of the time. And in 1933 Chicago, that place is a speakeasy

Gunn for Hire – Episode 28 “Bellyache Fight”
January 25, 2022

You ask 10 people what you should do if you get into a tussle, youre bound to get 11 answers. Regardless of what youre told, you ultimately gotta know what you want to get out of the fight. And righ