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UnSpun 065 – Jacob Duellman: “On Thomas Harrisson and Mass-Observation”
April 18, 2017

UnSpun 65 - Jacob Duellman joins us to discuss his recent research into Brigadier-General Thomas Harrisson's work and influence with Mass-Observation and much more. Harrisson was known as the "Barefoot Anthropologist" and is famous for bringing back the B

Bashar al-Assad Dindu Nuffin
April 18, 2017

4,174 words / 30:16 Audio Version: To listen in a player, click here. To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save target or link as.” Like many on the Alt Right, I have been feeling pretty black-pilled over the last couple of weeks for reas

Game Of Cucks (Pod Save America)
April 18, 2017

Game Of Cucks (Pod Save America)

Wildcard: Nathan & Massimo – Divine White Spirit Awakening (4-17-17)
April 17, 2017

Wildcard – Tonight Nathan and Massimo discuss spirituality, Zoroastrianism, the circle and the ellipse, jews, silica based life, Pierluigi Ighina, the magnetic pole, and true science.… Read the rest The post Wildcard: Nathan & Massimo – Divin

Pappy's Place with Pappy Canoli #6
April 17, 2017

Pappy's Place with Pappy Canoli This week On Pappy's Place   As always, we'll take a look Back at the Week That was, In the News and History of the day We will take a look back at the week that was.   After that, we will discuss education.   Ho

Berkeley: This is Real
April 17, 2017

1,316 words Everyone everywhere is living under the threat of violence; it is only the degree to which any given population is aware of this fact that differs. Americans who did not live through the civil turmoil of the 1960s have grown up with the idea o

Is White Nationalism Un-American?
April 17, 2017

1,500 words Many patriotic Americans object to White Nationalism because they are told it is “un-American.” America, they say, was always a multiracial society, dedicated to the proposition that “all men are created equal.” Therefore, the White

April 17, 2017

77 words The valley sinks into the mist; the yellow ring of the horizon eclipses the cornea of the sun; the ridge blooms purple on my wrist, fading, inimical and black. The earth exhales into the dusk, frost forming in the shaded husk of afterglows. My wi

The Solar Storm: Electroshock Troops and Robotomies (4-16-17)
April 16, 2017

The Solar Storm – Kyle speaks about the advancements of computing, cybernetics, robotics, artificial intelligence, the singularity, transhumanism, the jewish connection, media portrayals of our mechanized future, and much more. … Read the rest The

Ricardo Duchesne - Radical Liberal Norms That Lead to the Decline of the West - Hour 1
April 16, 2017

Ricardo Duchesne, Professor at The University of New Brunswick, Canada, is the author of The Uniqueness of Western Civilization (2011), and Faustian Man in a Multicultural Age, released in March 2017 by Arktos Books. He is one of the co-editors and princi