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Wildcard: Bill – Kosher Comic Book Crusades (4-26-17)
April 26, 2017

Wildcard – Bill talks about the history of the comic book industry and how jews have been inserting their subversive narratives from the very beginning, with the agenda only escalating in recent years.… Read the rest The post Wildcard: Bill – Kos

Girl against Bull
April 26, 2017

1,537 words Fearless Girl, a four-foot statue commissioned by State Street Global Advisors (SSGA), now stands facing Charging Bull in Lower Manhattan’s Bowling Green park, near Wall Street. Her appearance in the financial district in early March was tim

Excerpt from A. C. Cuza’s Nationality in the Arts
April 26, 2017

580 words Translated by V. Cetnic The Christian faith is, to this day, seen by many as a part of Judaism – as a continuation, as a reform, or a completion of the Jewish faith – and Jesus as a Jew. And if these were true, the theory of Jewish cultural

Firestarter Radio: Running Free (4-19-17)
April 19, 2017

Firestarter Radio – Tonight Sinead shares a series of recordings from the past month or so. Topics include: jews and cannibalism, Kuru disease, how jews are using “genetic testing” to decide which kikeotropics they want you on, the manlet punch

Art After Metaphysics
April 19, 2017

1,710 words John David Ebert Art After Metaphysics CreateSpace, 2013 Many readers will be familiar with John David Ebert from his excellent podcast (with Darryl D. Cooper), Decline of the West. In an early episode of the show, Ebert called the US presiden

On Gavin McInnes & the Alt Light
April 19, 2017

2,064 words Recently, Gavin McInnes, our friend over at Taki’s Magazine, helpfully released a video entitled “What is the Alt Right?” In it, he does a pretty good job of describing who (or what) most of us are, dividing us into the “Alt Light,”

Wardo Rants: Cynthia McKinney – Diagnosing The Diseases of DC (4-18-17)
April 18, 2017

Wardo Rants – The first hour has rants about a variety of issues concering the system of tyranny under which we live and what is happening in the geopolitical world, and then in the second hour former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney … Read the rest

Is it Okay to Punch a Communist?
April 18, 2017

1,722 words / 11:34 Audio Version: To listen in a player, click here. To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save target or link as.” Welcome to yet another installment in the literary genre called, “But wait . . . if you take the word

Race & Nation: Media Traps III
April 18, 2017

Landser and LG discuss local fake hate crimes, holocaust denial, and the media.  [...]

Surviving Dystopia Live with DJ Cooper Rewind
April 18, 2017

Surviving Dystopia Live with DJ Cooper. A replay of 3/15/2017 show. Join DJ Cooper on Surviving Dystopia talking about prepping on the cheap side. talking about ways to save money and even prepare for free. By gathering things and taking advantage of the