Farm To Table Talk

Farm To Table Talk

Online Markets For All – Cole Jones - Farm To Table Talk

August 14, 2020

Covid has hastened the shift to online markets for every size and shape of farmers to connect with wholesale, retail or consumers around the corner or around the world. Local farmers who have been selling to farmers markets, CSA's, local stores or restaurants can now add their own online outlet.  Even large scale commodity farmers can now branch out from a mono crop system to add some specialty crops or livestock that they can market wholesale or retail from their own personal online stores. Cole Jones, the founder of Local Line, is convinced that online commerce is the new commerce from farms to tables. Local line is helping over 7,000 farmers from every Canadian Province and 49 States get to market "better, faster, cheaper!" When much of agriculture has suffered from the concentration of fewer and fewer buyers, farmers can hang their shingle on their personal virtual store that cuts out superfluous middlemen.  It is a key part of North America's future food system and it's the Talk of Farm to Table.