Farm To Table Talk

Farm To Table Talk

Bending, Not Breaking & Beyond.. – Erin Fitzgerald USFRA - Farm To Table Talk

July 09, 2020

Farmers and ranchers should "be recognized for the the unique ways they enable the sustainable foods systems of the future and nourish our communities, natural resources, and planet".  The US Farmers and Ranchers Alliance (USFRA)  was created to accomplish that vision with a mission to co-create sustainable food systems, connecting farmers, ranchers and food makers.  The CEO of the USFRA Erin Fitzgerald explains that American agriculture is bending but not breaking from the strains of Covid 19 in this conversation with the co-hosts of a developing podcast "Beyond Your Table".  Michael Dimock the host of Flipping the Table podcast and Rodger Wasson the host of Farm To Table Talk have joined to bring conversations from the real dirt to common ground-Beyond Your Table.