Farm To Table Talk

Farm To Table Talk

On Off Farm – Matt Brechwald - Farm To Table Talk

July 03, 2020

It is not unusual to hear from folks who want farming to be a foundational part of their lives.  They may have a job that requires a long commute to their office cubicle or they are living on a small farm and can't quite make a living, with out adding some off farm income. Matt Brechwald was one of those people before he made the jump to a small farm in Idaho and started adding enterprises off farm that allowed him with his wife and daughter to live their dream.  For Matt those off farm enterprises included speaking, coaching and podcasting to help others "get in to farming and to love their lifestyle." I literally heard of Matt when he interviewed my brother, Ron Wasson about  That and loads of other informative podcasts can be found at or the Off Farm Income podcasts wherever you get your podcasts.