Farm To Table Talk

Farm To Table Talk

Goodbye CA Hello NY – Melissa Phillips and Jack Whetlan - Farm To Table Talk

September 21, 2019


It's said that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, or the other side of the ocean, or the other side of the continent. One lucky couple and their daughter are finding out for sure as they chase their farming dreams from the UK to Texas, then California and now the Hudson River Valley of New York.  Melissa Philips and Jack Whetlan are British natives who’ve always had a passion for the environment, sustainability and regenerative agriculture. They realized that’s what they wanted to make their life’s work. Jack’s entirely "un-farmy" job as a Director of Sales brought them to the US and where they permanent residency. Melissa pursued a masters in sustainability sciences and in 2016 they welcomed Phoenix into the world. Then the big change: "we decided to pack up our lives, throw in the towel on our careers and hit the road in pursuit of something more meaningful."  Melissa was podcast guest on Farm to Table Talk at Eco Farm in 2017 and Jack was in 2018 when he announced their intentions to leave their happy situation at Kearns Family Farm in California and start a new farm in New York.  We got them together to update us on their farming adventures in the new land. www.hiddenacrefarm