Farm To Table Talk

Farm To Table Talk

Latest Episodes

Immigration Is Necessary – Steve Hubbard
July 26, 2024

Immigration is essential for a functioning food system that otherwise suffers from growing labor shortages on farms, packing houses, processors and kitchens. The H-2A Temporary Agriculture Worker Prog

Chefs Link Farms to Tables – Chef Kirk Bachmann
July 19, 2024

What we eat today and tomorrow is linkng through restaurants and institutions under the direction of Chefs who are learning the importance of knowing the farm source and sharing that knowledge with cu

Grown In Guatemala – Chrstopher Safieh
July 12, 2024

Progress in regenerative produce production is not just in our own back yards, but can come from other countries, such as Guatemala. Responding to extreme weather and desires for delicious, affordable

Controlled Environment – Jake Felser
July 05, 2024

Solutions to our farming futures may reside on a spectrum that ranges from wide open to strategically controlled. Jake Felser of Freight Farms shared an important perspective on how controlled enviro

Planet, Palate To Plate – Daniel Firth Griffith
June 27, 2024

Attention is a moral act so we shouldn't just do what we think nature wants --"attend to Earth". Try as we might, you won't be the savior of the world but you can do what you are here to do. This will

Ultra Black Hats – Sharon Palmer, RD
June 21, 2024

58% of the energy intake in the American diet is from ultra processed foods and not coincidentally nearly 40% of the population is considered obese, facing growing rates of heart disease, cancer, diab

New Farm Spirit – Stuart Woolf, Sean Venus
June 14, 2024

Water restrictions in California will cause large acreages of farm land to be fallowed, potentially producing nothing. Fortunately a new crop is being introduced that uses very little water, making

Consumer Confusion – Amy Myrdal Miller, RD
June 07, 2024

Consumers are more confused than ever about what are the best food choices for themselves and their family. This is the case inspite of the fact or because of the fact that social media, traditional

Farming The Farm Bill – Ricardo Salvador
May 31, 2024

More money is spent lobbying the Farm Bill than is spent lobbying for America's Defense industry. It's not just about producing food. Over 80% of the farm bill is for nutrition programs, such as SNAP,

More Meat More Ways – Paul Shapiro
May 24, 2024

The demand for meat will keep growing because the world's population will keep growing out of poverty and with a hunger to add meat to their diet. Now more meat can come from more sources , including
