Farm To Table Talk

Farm To Table Talk

Latest Episodes

Your Pets Are Safe- Rodger Wasson
September 15, 2024

Cats and dogs should watch out for hungry immigrants according to recent political propaganda. Truth is that immigration is a necessity in the country and not a reason to keep our pets locked indoors.

Building Local Resilience – Tricia Kovacs
September 12, 2024

- Tricia Kovacs, Associate Deputy Administrator, AMS - Help is needed and is at hand to build resilient local & regional food systems through the US Department of Agriculture. Tricia Kovacs is the

Farm To Fork Bridge Dinner – Rodger Wasson
September 09, 2024

The proclaimed Farm To Fork Capital of America is Sacramento, California where the signature event of the Farm to Fork Festival is the Tower Bridge Dinner. Over 1,000 are on the Bridge to prepare, ser

Small Farms Big Table – Erica Frenay
September 05, 2024

A future filled with with vibrant rural and urban small farms is good for the farmers, their customers and their community. Small farms help build human capacity, revitalize communities, supply region

Slow, Free Roam Chickens – Mike Charles
August 29, 2024

In Lancaster County, Pennsylvania exclusive heritage chickens are being grown on family farms to the highest animal welfare standards- freely roaming pastures at a slower pace. Mike Charles is a 6th g

Know The Origin – Alexandria Fischer
August 22, 2024

Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) is a labeling law that requires retailers, such as full-line grocery stores, supermarkets and club warehouse stores, to notify their customers of the source of certai

Lab to Field to Cans and Jars – Jessica Cooperstone PhD
August 16, 2024

Even when summer is over, the season peak flavor and nutrition in tomatoes is available all year long in cans or jars. Lycopene, the antioxidant compound that makes tomatoes red, is even more availab

Returning To Common Ground
August 07, 2024

Just when our public discourse seems hopelessly divided, we can find hope in the discovery of common ground. Farm To Table brings back this promising message that was first published last winter but

Taste, Price, Health, Convenience, Environment – Kris Solid R.D.
August 01, 2024

In food purchase priorities, somethings change a lot and some barely change at all. When it comes to food purchases the top considerations are still taste, price, health and convenience. What's new

Help Wanted – Steve Hubbard
July 26, 2024

Immigration is essential for a functioning food system that otherwise suffers from growing labor shortages on farms, packing houses, processors and kitchens. The H-2A Temporary Agriculture Worker Prog