Fantastic Worlds: A Pathfinder Podcast - Official Partner of Paizo

Latest Episodes
Episode 154 – Ray of F*** You
After escaping the events at the monastery, Team Torta goes to the next castle (barracks?) to save the princess! A gruesome, hair-raising foe stands in their way. What lengths will the party members go to in order to save Anastasia Romanov from the clutch
Episode 153: Into the Bare-acks
Camp-life Team Torta edition. Its time to do some sneaking, and hopefully this new location doesnt totally suck. Pippa scouts ahead as the rest trail behind as the players learn more about Rasputins central stronghold. The mysteries of the monastery
Episode 152 – A Serious Brain Freeze
You! Shall! Not! Pass! After an eventful 5-mile hike, Team Torta finds themselves staring out at a literal No-Mans Land. But this time, no Wonder Woman will be there to help them break through enemy lines. Tanks loom! Infantry swarms! How will the party
Episode 151- A Game of Telephone
There is a time to fight and there is a time to recover. Team Torta surveys the remnants of the battle and helps the surviving members of the destroyed town. With down time suddenly at their fingertips, the members of Team Torta turn inward and dwell on t
Episode 150 – An Agile Corgisbord of Pain and Suffering
Lets get this party started! However, Team Torta doesnt really want to be invited to this one. Corpses pile up and the gang is threatened on all sides. Slash! Blast! Burn! Boom! SMITE! Time to fight in the ruins of a battlefield!
Episode 149 – Dermatologist Approved
War has come for Team Torta! The hut is on the attack, but what exactly are the members attacking? And where exactly are they? Its nyet time for hasty decisions, so perhaps the best defense is an offense. This mechanical beast is proving a threat will
Episode 148 – Rage Against the Machine
War has come for Team Torta! The hut is on the attack, but what exactly are the members attacking? And where exactly are they? Its nyet time for hasty decisions, so perhaps the best defense is an offense. This mechanical beast is proving a threat will
Episode 147 – Literal Foreshadowing
Shadows of the present flee as shadows of the past loom once more. New room, new you? Maybe so if youre ok with brushing away the dust and forging anew. Our team of Guys and Dolls marches on as they explore deeper into Baba Yagas hut as they search for
Episode 146 – Sugar High
Someone needs to call the exterminators! Or maybe some de-colonizers? The metaphors are becoming mixed, just like how mixed-up Team Tortas emotions are roiling and boiling. The group needs to squash this foe before moving deeper into the new world that B
Episode 145 – Abraxas Get your gun
Though the passage of time erodes all, perhaps there may exist something stronger that connects us all. Mountains become sand, sand becomes glass, glass allows sight and reflections. What happens when