The Faith By Reason Podcast

The Faith By Reason Podcast

Latest Episodes

Satan’s Failures: The Great Invasion Part 1 – FBR Podcast #59
March 12, 2019

Satan's failures are implicit throughout the Bible, but perhaps his biggest failure was preventing the advent of the Redeemer – Jesus of Nazareth. From the moment God declared war on Satan in Genesis chapter 3,

Was Jesus Fully Man and Fully God? FBR Podcast #58
February 19, 2019

How was Jesus fully man and fully God? Was it because He was half man (through Mary) and half God? That would only make Him 50% God and 50% man. Was it because He started as a man and grew into Godhood? That would mean that at any point in His life,

Was Jesus the Christ? FBR Podcast #57
February 04, 2019

Was Jesus the Christ? Was He the promised Redeemer of mankind and the Messiah of Israel? Christians believe so, but there have been many people over the centuries who claimed that THEY, not Jesus was the Christ.

Is the Church Under the Law? Sabbath and Tithe: FBR Podcast #56
January 25, 2019

Is the Church under the Law? Is the Levitical Law applicable to us in this era? Do we have to Tithe? The answer should actually be pretty simple and straightforward. Since we established an objective and non-contradictory definition for what it means t...

Why Does God Demand Sacrifice? FBR Podcast #55
January 19, 2019

Why does God demand sacrifice?  The Levitical Law is full or commandments to give sacrificial offerings for sin, guilt, restoration, ect.  It also demands many other seemingly odd and arcane liturgical practices. 

Sex in the Bible: Sex is Worship! FBR Podcast #54
January 09, 2019

Sex in the Bible is a controversial subject. Religious people lead us to think that God is a prude who frowns on sexual enjoyment.  But the truth is that Sex is worship!  Every time you have sex (with your spouse) you are worshipping God!

What Was Satan Like Before the Fall? FBR Podcast #47
August 30, 2018

What was Satan like before he fell from grace? Of course, we currently know him as the Enemy and the adversary of God’s plan, but was he created that way? It would be illogical and contradictory for God to create someone to thwart him,

Is Satan Real? Spiritual Warfare Part 1 – FBR Podcast #46
August 08, 2018

Is Satan Real?  This is actually a pertinent question in Christian philosophy because it remains somewhat controversial.  The secular world believes the idea of "Satan" constitutes a fake "boogeyman" that Christians made up to excuse their bad behavior...

Pharoah’s Hardened Heart, and the “gods” of Egypt – FBR Podcast #45
July 12, 2018

Pharoah's heart was hardened by God so the He could perform the signs and wonders of the 10 Plagues on the Egyptians.  On the surface, this seems unfair.  Did God take away Pharaoh's free will so that he would be defiant,

The Patriarchs, The Promise, and God’s Nation – FBR Podcast #44
June 21, 2018

The Patriarchs - Abraham, Issac, and Jacob, received the blessing and mandate from God that would frame the 4th Dispensation.  With the world now divided into nations after Babel, God created His own nation (Israel) through which the world would intera...