The Faith By Reason Podcast

The Faith By Reason Podcast

Latest Episodes

The REAL Jesus: Passion and Discomfort – FBR Podcast #69
October 22, 2019

The real Jesus of the Bible bears little resemblance to the one portrayed in society, and even in most churches. The common depiction of Jesus is that of a sweet, kind, tepid, non-confrontational, magic human teddy bear. He is gentle, harmless,

Do Christians Worship an Idol? FBR Podcast #68
September 22, 2019

Most Christians worship an idol. They call this idol “Jesus”, but the idol they worship bears little resemblance to the actual Jesus who walked the earth 2000 years ago. Their idol doesn’t look, act, or sound like the Jesus in the Bible.

Resurrection Myths – FBR Podcast # 67
September 05, 2019

Resurrection Myths about Jesus abound, not only in the secular world but even in Christianity. One of the primary secular resurrection myths is the “Swoon Theory”, which states that Jesus did not actually die on the cross,

Was Jesus Real? Secular Myths About Jesus – FBR Podcast #66
August 16, 2019

There are many myths about Jesus floating around. From the secular point of view, the primary myths about Jesus and Christianity center on the existence, and Identity of Jesus. There are some who claim that there was never a historical person named Jes...

Salvation: To Infinity and Beyond! FBR Podcast #65
August 02, 2019

Salvation is the central concept of Christianity. The idea that Jesus died for our sins, and rose again to offer us eternal life constitutes the very definition of the faith. But how could the death of one Man (even the God-Man) provide eternal salvati...

The Death of Jesus: Victorious Defeat FBR Podcast #64
June 30, 2019

The death of Jesus and His subsequent resurrection constitutes the most significant event in human history to this point. The death of Jesus by crucifixion was the most tortuous execution imaginable. The mental and physical agony He endured was stagger...

Biblical Arguments Resolved – Multiple Resolutions! FBR Podcast #63
May 25, 2019

Biblical arguments abound when Christians (and non-Christians) see passages and doctrines that conflict with, or seem to contradict one another.  These conflicts lead to destructive and divisive arguments that split up churches and even families.

Blindness of the Pharisees – FBR Podcast #62
April 20, 2019

The Pharisees were experts on the books of the Law and the Prophets (Old Testament). They knew all of the hundreds of prophecies of the Messiah. As such, they should have been Jesus’’ greatest advocates and His most loyal disciples. Instead,

Temptations of Jesus: Satan’s FAIL – FBR Podcast #61
April 11, 2019

The temptations of Jesus are well known. After a 40 day fast in the wilderness, Jesus was at the point of severe starvation. Satan chose to confront Him when He was at His weakest point (because Satan is a jerk). Of course,

Myths About the Birth of Jesus – FBR Podcast #60
March 28, 2019

Myths about the birth of Jesus are almost as common as the facts. Secularists and followers of false religions spread myths about the advent of Jesus in an attempt to disprove or disparage Christianity. Such myths include comparing pagan myths that are...