The Faith By Reason Podcast

The Faith By Reason Podcast

Revelation Unveiled Ep 2: Man's Perspective

June 19, 2020

Human beings have been trying to figure out the deep complexities of the Book of Revelation since the day it was written.  If you talk to 100 Bible scholars, you'll probably get 100 different interpretations of the events in Revelation.

There are, however, three broad categories that most interpreters fall into

While last week's episode keyed in on the Divine Perspective, this week, we will continue our introduction to the Book of Revelation by examining Man's perspective.  And we'll let you know the position that Faith By Reason takes

Related links:

The Primary verse used by Historists/Preterists Matt 16:28

The fulfillment of Matt 16:28

The Jewish focus of the Tribulation

Next Episode: Millennial perspectives