The Faith By Reason Podcast
Latest Episodes
FBR Episode 6 Is the Bible the Word of God
Is the Bible the Word of God? Can we prove that it came from the First Cause of the universe? We learned in the last podcast that the First Cause has to consist of the causeless principles of righteou
FBR Episode 5 Proving God in 10 sec
You can prove that God exists in just 10 seconds!! Taking the information that weve covered in the previous episodes, we can discern the definitive nature of God! Not only that, but in discerning t
FBR Episode 4 How Does God See Time
If God is Transcendent (outside of time), then how does He relate to our physical time domain? Bible prophecy makes it clear that God can predict the future. But is the future set? If so, then is e
FBR Episode 3 - Where Does God Come From
Was the cause of existence natural, or supernatural? IF the universe had a First Cause, then understanding everything we can about it will get us closer to an answer to
FBR Episode 2 - What's The Point
Whether you are Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, atheist, or agnostic, we all face the same fundamental question we all want to know Whats the point? We want to know why were all here. We want t
FBR episode 1 Introduction
If God is real and Christianity is true, then they should conform to objective logic and reason! Welcome to the first Faith By Reason podcast. The FBR blog has been around since 2010 and its up to n
Messiah 2030 - Fatally Flawed?
Messiah 2030 is a very popular series of videos that feature extensive and exhaustive research to prove that the Second Coming of Jesus will occur in the year 2030.This idea fits with my personal es
Genesis Series Ep. 2 - Do we take Genesis seriously?
How does man view the Book of Genesis - and the Bible overall?Many see the Bible as either a textbook of Judeo-Christian terminology and ideas, a source of guidance and comfort, or a book of compreh
Genesis Series ep 1 - God's Perspective
Welcome to Genesis: Back to the Beginning! Genesis is the key to understanding who God is, and what He wants (God's Will). The ENTIRE Bible is in Genesis. The rest of the Bible is essentially a commen
The Little Season of Satan – Hidden History or Heresy?
There is a lot of eschatological "noise" on social media and alternative news about the so-called "Little Season" of Satan, and whether or not we are currently in it. The Little Season theory essenti