The Faith By Reason Podcast

The Faith By Reason Podcast

FBR Episode 17 - Is God humble? The Story of Human History

February 06, 2025

Humble is not an attribute we generally associate with God. Holy? Yes. Almighty? Sure. Loving, righteous, and all-knowing? Of course. But when was the last time you heard God called “humble”? Have you ever?  But if God is righteous, and being righteous means being contrastive, and being contrastive requires humility, then doesn’t God HAVE to be humble? The answer is yes! Not only is God humble, the way He demonstrates His Humility is the story of our entire history on Earth! In this week’s podcast:

  • Can we get to Heaven by always being right like God?
  • How and why God is humble
  • How God demonstrates His humility through His interactions with man
  • Why it would be UNJUST for God to unilaterally implement His plan for us
  • What are the “Dispensations”? Am I a dispensationalist? (short answer – no)
  • Why the term “7-year Tribulation” is inaccurate and cannot be used to justify a Post-Trib Rapture (ok, I got a bit off-topic here…)
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