The Faith By Reason Podcast

FBR Episode 14 - If God is Good, Why is there Evil?
If God is good and all-powerful, then why is there evil in the world? Wouldn’t a good, loving, and benevolent Supreme Being stop evil before it happens, and/or immediately punish evil-doers? Whenever I’ve spoken with unbelievers about their hesitance in accepting the existence of God, it usually comes down to these questions.
And they are actually very logical questions to ask. But the fact is that it would be unrighteous and unjust for God to stop evil before it happens! And as much as we may think we want God to intervene in this manner, the truth is that if He did, we’d HATE it, and we’d hate Him! It all comes down to the nature of man, why God made man the way He did, and His plan for us.
In this week’s podcast:
- The nature of man and why man is unique and special
- Free will vs. volitional will
- Why God (and Satan) do NOT have free will (PLEASE listen to my explanation in the podcast BEFORE you condemn that statement).
- What does God desire and how does man fit into the fulfillment of that desire?
- Why God CAN’T (for the most part) stop evil before it happens
- Why it would be unjust for God to always judge evil immediately
- If God DID stop evil and punish evil the way we think we want Him to, WE WOULD HATE IT!
- How God’s delayed punishment (mercy), is just and is the only way we can be forgiven and justified