The Faith By Reason Podcast

The Faith By Reason Podcast

Darwinism: The Deadliest Religion on Earth – FBR Podcast #13

April 19, 2017

Darwin and his ridiculous theory are not only an affront to empirical science, it spawned the most cruel, brutal, inhuman, murderous, oppressive, and morally bankrupt philosophy in history! Darwinian Philosophy condones and promotes genocide, racism, class warfare, eugenics, Nazism, Communism, and the suppression of the poor and infirmed. Yet despite its nightmarish aspect, smirking atheists and secularists blithely embrace it while blaming religion and faith for all the world's problems! Worse still, apathetic Christians let them get away with it. In this week's podcast

Why evolution is a religion
Reactions to last week’s podcast on evolution
The origin and limitations of Darwin’s theory
How Darwinian evolution is not empirically scientific
Why this philosophy renders your life meaningless
The lesser-known Darwin book that led to genocide, racism, and war
Why racism is the dumbest rationalization on earth
How atheism has caused more war and death than all religions combined
How Margaret Sanger’s Darwinian philosophy led to infanticide
Why the blame for the proliferation and mainstreaming of this gruesome philosophy lies at the feet of Christians!