The Faith By Reason Podcast

FBR Episode 11 Biblical Creation and the Age of the Earth
Is Earth billions of years old as evolutionists and “Old Earth Creationists” say, or is it only a few thousand years old as “Young Earth Creationists” purport? Does the creation narrative in Genesis 1 help answer these questions? The answer is a blunt NO! If we’re being completely honest, we have to admit that Genesis 1 frankly does a TERRIBLE job of giving a comprehensive and detailed explanation of the enormous complexity of the physics and biology of creation. But what if that’s NOT the intention of the passage? So why was Genesis written the way it was? What IS the age of the universe (and does it even matter)? We’ll examine those questions on this week’s podcast, including:
- Why the creation narrative is so brief and lacking in detail
- The REAL reason that Genesis 1 is in the Bible
- Did God create the world in a state of order or chaos?
- What is the so-called “gap theory”
- The true message of the Book of Job (I kind of went off on a tangent…)
- When and how did Satan fall?
- Why trying to figure out the age of the earth is meaningless