The Faith By Reason Podcast

The Faith By Reason Podcast

Love and Atheists (and the Truth About God’s Love) FBR Podcast #8

March 14, 2017

Atheists argue that the God of the Bible isn’t a God of love. And technically, they’re right! God is a God of absolute righteousness and justice. The ultimate EFFECT of being right and just is love! So then, what is love? Is it a feeling, or a choice? In this podcast we’ll look at an argument I had with an annoying atheist (is there any other kind?) that led to the true definition of God’s love. We’ll also cover:

How you can tell if a person is an atheist (or from New York) in 60 seconds
How atheists tacitly admit that they are insane
How most of us (including Christians) have a wrong definition of love
The true Biblical definition of love
Why God is NOT a “God of love”.
The first demonstration of love in the Bible (and how it relates to the ULTIMATE show of love)