The Faith By Reason Podcast

The Faith By Reason Podcast

Is the Bible the Word of God? Can you Prove it? FBR Podcast #6

February 28, 2017

Is the Bible the Word of God? Can we prove that it came from the First Cause of the universe? We learned in the last podcast that the First Cause has to consist of the causeless principles of righteousness and justice that it must be ALWAYS and COMPLETELY right and just. And that’s ALL we can definitively know about the First Cause based SOLELY on human understanding. Any other information about it would have to come from the First Cause itself. Is there such an information source? Obviously, Christians believe that information source is the Bible, but they are not alone. ALL belief systems, religious and secular, believe that they have information from the First Cause. But which of them (if any) are right? And can the information be objectively proven as coming from the First Cause?