The Faith By Reason Podcast
FBR Episode 4 How Does God See Time
If God is Transcendent (outside of time), then how does He relate to our physical time domain? Bible prophecy makes it clear that God can predict the future. But is the future “set”? If so, then is everything already predetermined? Do we really have free will? We’ll examine how God might experience time in this podcast, including:
- Can causality alone explain how God can predict the future?
- Why looking at the past can help us understand how God sees the future.
- Does God see the future happen, or does He make it happen (or both)?
- How do stories give us a glimpse of the eternal perspective?
- Can we get insight into how God experiences time by watching Star Wars movies (even the crappy episodes)?
Where and When? (blog post)
Isaiah’s prophecy about Cyrus the Persian Cyrus is shown the prophecy 200 years later
Cyrus fulfills the prophecy
An example of how God sees all of history at once (Revelation 12)