Fading Memories: Alzheimer's/Dementia Caregiver Support

Fading Memories: Alzheimer's/Dementia Caregiver Support

Latest Episodes

252 - Overcoming Medication Induced Challenges
December 20, 2022

Dr. Elizabeth Landsverk is on the show to discuss overcoming medication-induced challenges. This challenge is one area of focus in her new book, Living In the Moment - Overcoming Challengees & Finding

Bonus = XCellent Life Challenge
December 17, 2022

Victor Brown, CEO XCellent Life Victor Brown has created an app designed to make it easier to stay healthy. Victor started his professional career as an engineer and moved into the energy sector, w

251 - Dementia Prevention Will Require a Revolution
December 13, 2022

Joining me today is John Donboer, a clinical neuropsychologist specializing in geriatric neuropsychology. His professional focus is identifying and mitigating early-stage dementia. We had planned to d

250 - Dealing With Triggers
December 06, 2022

Tami Anastasia Are you aware of your triggers? Those actions or statements that make it easy to become unreasonable? I know most of mine, yet it's still a challenge not to let them trigger me. If I

249 - Caregiving With Love & Joy
November 29, 2022

Patricia Boswell It's the exception when I have the pleasure of chatting with someone who has been in the caregiving game longer than I have. My Mom had Alzheimer's from the late 1990s till 2020, b

248 - Finding The Right Words
November 22, 2022

Author, Cindy Weinstein Cindy Weinstein is a professor of English at the California Institute of Technology. We're discussing her book, Finding The Right Words, which is one part journey of coming

Bonus -Avoiding Caregiver Burnout
November 18, 2022

Coach Judy Burkle You are caring for a loved one and struggling to care for yourself. You know this isn't a sustainable way to live, but what options do you have? In this bonus episode, I talk to J

247- Dementia Friendly Music Engagement
November 15, 2022

Alexis Baker of Bridgetown Music Therapy This episode is the one I needed to hear years ago when I first started taking care of my Mom. Regular listeners know that I struggled to connect with my Mo

246 - Caregiving Strategies That Kept Me Upright
November 08, 2022

When her husband, a physician, was diagnosed with Alzheimer's at fifty, Rene Brown Harmon's life threatened to capsize in the waves. She stayed afloat by learning to lean on friends and family and re

245 - Choosing Memory Care Guilt Free
November 01, 2022

One of the biggest challenges I have helped caregivers navigate is the decision to move a loved one to memory care. Far too many family members promise never to put their loved one "in a place like th
