Fading Memories: Alzheimer's/Dementia Caregiver Support

Fading Memories: Alzheimer's/Dementia Caregiver Support

Latest Episodes

262 -A Single, Millennials Caregiving Story
February 28, 2023

Jessica and her Mother, CG. When we think of someone caring for a loved one, our first impression isn't of a person in their mid-twenties. Generally, we think of an older adult spouse or middle-age

261- Dementia As A New Language?
February 21, 2023

Michael Rost, psycholinguist & author Michael Rost, the author of The Journey Home, Portraits of Healing, has been active in language teaching, learning technology, and language acquisition researc

260 - Dolly Star Dementia Cow Sharing The Love
February 14, 2023

Animal-assisted therapy is beneficial for various ailments, including Dementia, Alzheimer's, PTSD, anxiety, depression, healing after surgical procedures, loneliness, behavioral issues, and the chroni

259 - What does an End-of-Life Douala
February 07, 2023

Do? An end-of-life doula is a trained professional who provides emotional, physical, and spiritual support to individuals and their families during the end-of-life process. They are not medical

258 - The End-of-Life Conversations We Need to Be Having
January 31, 2023

Anna Cantor, Dementia Trainer, End-of-Life Coach My guest, Anna Cantor, suggested the topic of End-of-life taboo topics. As you listen, you'll hear more. Anna had recently lost her mother, and our

257 - Do Speech + Other Therapies Help Dementia?
January 24, 2023

Adria Thompson, Be Light Care Having been part of the Alzheimer's and dementia community for most of my adult life, it's easy to have opinions on specific "treatments." I've seen SLP, OT, and PT th

Bonus - My Data Diary Explained
January 13, 2023

The My Data Diary device. Have you ever needed access to a loved one's account and been unable to retrieve the information because you don't have their password? That happened to me when I went to

255 - Outrunning Alzheimer's One Mile at a Time
January 10, 2023

Mace & Travis Macy As fast as we can, as slow as we must, was the mantra that Travis & Mark Macey used while competing in the World's Toughest Race - Fiji. The World's Toughest Race: Eco-Challenge

254 - Focusing On Caregiver Self-Care
January 03, 2023

As caregivers, it's not unusual to have days we want to run away. However, these feelings give us feelings of shame and guilt. Society has an unstated opinion that caregivers should be happy with thei

253-How To Live Forever - "Writing" Your Last Chapter
December 27, 2022

Kim Best is the author of How To Live Forever - A Guide to Writing the Last Chapter of Your Story. In writing our last chapter, we're leaving the memory of us. Her book is more about living your best
