Fading Memories: Alzheimer's/Dementia Caregiver Support

Fading Memories: Alzheimer's/Dementia Caregiver Support

Latest Episodes

Avoiding Common Medicare Pitfalls in the Virtual Era
September 12, 2023

Ready to unravel the mysteries of Medicare? Our guest, Al Kushner from RealEasyMedicare, has got all the answers for you. Al is an expert in helping people navigate the complex world of healthcare. Jo

An Outside the box Alzheimer's Treatment? How Biovie is Modulating Inflammation
September 05, 2023

The Alzheimer's Association says that "we're in an era of treatments now," which is excellent, but these treatments aren't suitable for everyone with Alzheimer's. That's why I'm excited that I have be

From Stress Relief to Joyful Moments: The Many Roles of Music in Caregiving
August 29, 2023

Music plays a multifaceted and vital role in dementia caregiving, offering a range of benefits that extend far beyond stress relief. For individuals with dementia, music can evoke memories, trigger em

Will The Chris Hemsworth News Advance Dementia Prevention Knowledge?
August 22, 2023

How many of us know someone who does not want to know if they have some form of dementia? Despite all the benefits of an early diagnosis, they either can't or refuse to be swayed. Getting an early dia

Taking Control of Your Brain Health: What Is My Risk of Alzheimer's?
August 15, 2023

Taking control of your brain health is crucial, especially when assessing your risk of Alzheimer's disease. Understanding your individual risk factors empowers you to make informed decisions and take

Revolutionizing Brain Health: The Science of Bioelectric Medicine
August 08, 2023

Recent research indicates that non-invasive and safe electrical stimulation of specific brain regions can have profound cognitive benefits, particularly for individuals at risk for dementia. This exci

Juggling Generations: Finding Strength As A Sandwich Caregiver
August 01, 2023

Being a sandwich caregiver caring for aging parents while raising children is a formidable challenge that requires immense strength and resilience. This delicate balancing act between two generations

The Mind-Body Connection In Caregiving: Emotional Wellness
July 25, 2023

Steph Jagger found herself faced with the heartbreaking reality of losing her mother twice. Her mother, afflicted by an insidious ailment that gradually erodes her memories and identity, struggles to

Sprinting Towards Happiness - A Vibrant Life With Alzheimer's
July 18, 2023

When Tony and his partner Catherine found themselves in their 50s, life took an unexpected turn. Tony learned that he needed a heart valve replacement, while Catherine was diagnosed with early-onset A

INmuneBio's Cutting-Edge Approach to Treating Alzheimer's & Dementia
July 11, 2023

David Moss, Founder of InMuneBio A brief history of Alzheimer's Disease: 1906: Discovery of brain disease later named Alzheimer's disease in 1910 1976: Neurologist Robert Katzman identifie
