Fading Memories: Alzheimer's/Dementia Caregiver Support

Fading Memories: Alzheimer's/Dementia Caregiver Support

Latest Episodes

131 - Surviving Alzheimer’s As a Well Spouse
September 15, 2020

How can you survive being an Alzheimer's caregiver and remain a well spouse? When you are experiencing sorrow, fear, frustration, agony, exhaustion, and depression, and when the level of caregiving stress makes you feel on the verge of a total breakdow...

130 - Navigating The Maze of Providing Care W/Trish Laub
September 08, 2020

When you've decided to manage care, other steps are now needed. It's essential to develop a care philosophy, goals, and strategies for reaching the target with the patient. A plan will allow everyone involved with the care to have a clear understanding...

129 - Life on Planet Alz with Jack Cohen
September 01, 2020

Sometimes caregiving can feel like we're living on Planet Alz - Caregivers live on Planet Alz, which is a different planet than earth. When you see us walking down the street, you may think that we look normal, but we are not.

128 - Positive Connections Create Moments of Joy
August 25, 2020

Finding joy is easier when we have positive connections with our loved ones. - Finding joy and contentment is easier when we have positive connections with each other. Our words and actions play a significant role in determining the quality of our lov...

127 - Summer Reading with Gray Matters
August 18, 2020

Can the digital networks that record our footprints hold us steady when dementia threatens to push us off the path? The question has real stakes for data analyst Charlie Sanders, His best hope for a father succumbing to Alzheimer’s comes from assistive...

126 - Caregiving & Employment – Make It All Work
August 11, 2020

Longer and longer lives are becoming the norm.  Understandably, caregiving, and employment are bound to become a clash of responsibilities. Caregivers and employers working together can avoid complicating these competing responsibilities. In the end,

125 - Millennial Caregivers & Their Unique Struggles
August 04, 2020

Part of forming your caregiving team might include a millennial or even a younger person. Learning about their unique challenges will allow all of us to handle caregiving in a more compassionate and understanding way.

124 - Flex Your Brain Muscle with Neurosize
July 28, 2020

Flexing our brain muscle is important but it also needs to be fun! - Are you looking for a way to flex your brain muscle in a fun and creative way? Would you also like to improve your connection with others, especially your loved one? -

123 - Caregivers-Lots of Self-Care Strategies Here!
July 21, 2020

In this episode, I bring you as many tips, suggestions, and ideas as we could fit in an hour. My guest, Barbara Cohn cared for her husband for a decade. He had younger-onset Alzheimer’s. In writing her book Calmer Waters,

122 - A Ray of Hope? Stabilizing Cognitive Decline
July 14, 2020

We all want to avoid cognitive decline. What if you could fill your room with a light that promotes brain health? Would you use a product that enhances your daily routine, promotes wellness in a safe, non-invasive way?
