Extraordinary Life Podcast

Latest Episodes
Beating Stress & Overwhelm
EPISODE 10 - In this episode we agree that everyone feels stress, doubt, worry and overwhelm to SOME capacity. - Today we focus on a less-usual tactic for dealing with stress and for kicking up happiness and self esteem. -
Self Awareness
EPISODE 9 - In this episode, we talk about communication styles, like TALKING, LISTENING and BODY LANGUAGE. - You start to notice how people perceive YOU. - Hear about the different ways we SHOW UP in conversations...
Conscious Indulging!
EPISODE 8 - In this episode, we talk about INDULGENCE... being close to the Holidays and all ;-) - Don’t get me wrong… I’m not about to tell you to resist and hold back on everything, and I completely support ENJOYING the holiday pleasures. -
Trade in Your Problems for These
Episode 7 - In this episode I share how a simple WORD SWAP can make a valuable difference in your life. We go "back to the 70's" for a plaid polyestered story that will...
Reacting or Creating?
Episode 6 - In this episode I share a technique that you can throw in your "mindset tool-belt" to help you be the CREATOR of your life, versus feeling like you’re living in REACTION to life happening TO you. It's called Pre-Paving...
How to STOP Arguments and Fighting
EPISODE 5 - In this episode I talk about how to NEVER have to argue again! (or at least be able to STOP them quickly when they start). - I explain the main difference between Arguing and Disagreeing, and what it is we add to arguing that's NOT pa...
Use These 2 Magic Words and Change Your Life
EPISODE 4 - Use these two words every day and watch your life change for the better in every way! In this episode you'll learn the 2 very special words that are all of 5 letters in total that will shake up your mindset and drastically change your ...
Victim Mindset… and two better options.
EPISODE 3 - In this episode we talk about the THREE MINDSETS and the amazing power they have over us. - I'll also share whether Affirmations are actually helpful or just a bunch of BS. - Taking ownership of the fact that we CHOOSE our Mindset ca...
Boundaries and People Pleasing
EPISODE 2 - This episode is dedicated to the overly "nice" people, the people pleasers, the ones who put themselves at the bottom list, are always saying yes, always taking care of others ahead of themselves,
Limiting Beliefs and “Shoulds”, the Past Programming that’s Holding You Back Today
EPISODE 1 - If I asked you the question: What do you want? But really, what do you want? Don't analyze it or let doubts creep in to limit you, what would that be? Where do these doubts and limits come from, anyway? They come from...