Extraordinary Life Podcast

Latest Episodes
Being “RIGHT”…who is actually right? And here’s something better to strive for.
EPISODE 20 In this episode we talk about those thoughts of WHAT's right, or WHO is right. Is there even ONE ultimate right?? I share a little story about being in the ravine with some friends as a kid and talking about this stuff for the first time,
The Pain of Loss. Dealing with death, breakups, divorce, shattered dreams, mistakes…
EPISODE 19 In this episode we talk about the kind of pain that happens as the result of LOSS. The loss of someone or something. Sometimes loss just comes out of nowhere and is a complete and utter shock… other times we know a loss is looming;...
Get Unstuck (maybe not what you’d expect)
EPISODE 18 In this episode we talk about that STUCK feeling and how to get out of it. I share about how kids do what we learn to avoid as adults, and then I suggest you do what you may not think a Personal Excellence Coach would suggest.
Treat Yo’self! Are you Spending or Investing in Yourself?
EPISODE 17 In this episode I share a technique to help you create MORE long term happiness wealth and success. We talk about the differences between Investing and Spending, and how instant gratification can hold us back from being happy and succe...
Pain is Inevitable, suffering is a CHOICE.
EPISODE 16 In this episode I share my GRUELLING hiking story with you to give an example of how we sometimes encounter major STRUGGLE that we weren't anticipating... How we CHOOSE to deal with it makes all the difference in how we experience the ...
How the word “BECAUSE” hugely impacts Relationships
EPISODE 15 - Words make such an impact; specific words, lack of words... - Today I share about the POWER of the word "BECAUSE". The power is not just with the word itself, but what comes AFTER it... it has the power to DRASTICALLY improve relationshi...
Acceptance and Change
EPISODE 14 - Today I want to talk about acceptance and mindset… this podcast is dedicated to three awesome listeners who contacted me with very similar topic requests… so a warm shout-out to Carlos, Rebecca, and Jen! -
Don’t Start New Years Resolutions and Goals Without This First (podcast)
EPISODE 13 Happy New Year 2019! The New Year is an exciting time to say good-bye to old habits and get a fresh start on new beginnings, new dreams and exciting desires. We’ve all heard the stats though, right?
Expectations Around Giving
EPISODE 12 - Happy Holidays! - I thought this would be a great time to talk about EXPECTATIONS around GIVING. - Side note: Have you ever smelled a Blueberry Muffin candle? How about 100 of them, haha… (listen to hear my story of being such a suc...
Incredible Results are Possible and Can Be EXPECTED with Private Coaching
EPISODE 11 - Have you ever WONDERED what it’s like to have your own Coach? …someone who’s whole purpose in your relationship is for YOUR personal growth benefit? - Have you wondered what kind of results are POSSIBLE? - Last week,