Exploring Unschooling

Latest Episodes
EU380: Revitalizing Our Nest
In this episode, Pam, Anna, and Erika talk about revitalizing our nests. Our homes are such an important part of our unschooling lives. We can get open and curious and creatively find ways to make the
EU379: Unschooling Stumbling Blocks: Personal Hygiene
We are back with another episode in our Unschooling Stumbling Blocks series and were talking about personal hygiene. Questions and concerns about hygiene come up regularly in parenting circles and, i
EU378: Bringing a Playful Energy to Our Days
In this episode, Pam, Anna, and Erika explore bringing a playful energy to our days. Shifting to a playful energy can be helpful when were feeling stuck, with spinning thoughts, worrying about the fu
EU377: Consent and Autonomy
In this episode, Pam, Anna, and Erika dive into consent and autonomy. Moving towards respecting our childrens autonomy and consent is typically an important part of the unschooling journey. In our co
EU376: Unschooling Stumbling Blocks: Weaving In Our Needs
We are back with another episode in our Unschooling Stumbling Blocks series and were talking about weaving in our needs. When we first come to unschooling, its common to start questioning the tradit
EU375: Supporting Our Children’s Inner Voices
In this episode, Pam, Anna, and Erika dive into supporting our childrens inner voices. External messages and cultural roles can disconnect us from our internal wisdom and knowing. Our unschooling liv
EU374: Beyond the Golden Rule
In this episode, Pam, Anna, and Erika explore the popular maxim known as the Golden Rule, which states, Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Once we realize how different people are, h
EU373: Navigating Disagreements with Our Partner
In this episode, Pam, Anna, and Erika talk about navigating disagreements with our partner. No matter how harmonious your relationship, disagreements will inevitably come up between two people. We sha
EU372: Building Trust with Our Kids
In this episode, Pam, Anna, and Erika talk about building trust with our children. We regularly mention trust on the podcast, as weve found that trust is the foundation of the strong relationships th
EU371: Unschooling Stumbling Blocks: Transitional Ages and Seasons
We are back with another episode in our Unschooling Stumbling Blocks series and were talking about transitional ages and seasons. While there is definitely not one path through childhood, there are c