The Exceptional Sales Leader Podcast

The Exceptional Sales Leader Podcast

Who Are You Comparing Yourself To?

August 07, 2022

In 2022, there is information coming at us at a rate faster than in any other time in history. Whether it be the print media, visual media and especially social media, companies and individuals are screaming ‘look at me’ to advertise their products and services. 

It is difficult to look at any social media platform today without being bombarded by ‘Influencers’ spruiking something and it is equally challenging not to be sucked in to the comparison game. Photographs of ‘successful’ people standing next to their luxury car, or standing in front of their massive house, private jet, motor home or yacht. Sometimes we can look at these people and what they ‘have’ and begin to feel a little envious. (Question- do they really ‘have’ what they show?)

We can also often fall into the comparison game within our own industry or our own company, especially when our organisation promotes internal competition through sales incentives and the classic ‘sales scoreboard’. This only promotes comparison behaviours. Is this healthy and does this promote exceptional performance?