The Exceptional Sales Leader Podcast

The Exceptional Sales Leader Podcast

Sell Like a Cockatoo With Gail Kasper

March 08, 2024

Just about every sales person on the planet is looking for a way to differentiate themselves from their competition, and for the most part, they look for product or service differentiation. Not nearly enough salespeople look inwardly and consider what it is about themselves that can become the catalyst for differentiation and hence miss out on the opportunity to become exceptional. Gail Kasper is on a mission to change that and in today’s episode, Gail shares what it means to sell like a cockatoo, to be able to differentiate against the competition and to be able to amplify a sales process to drive exceptional results.

To connect with Gail, and to grab a copy of her upcoming book “Sell Like a Cockatoo – How to Master The New Way of Selling in a Rapidly Changing World”, go to:

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