The Exceptional Sales Leader Podcast

The Exceptional Sales Leader Podcast

Is Your Team The Industry’s Best Kept Secret?

January 28, 2024

One of my core beliefs around sales is that it is the ultimate form of service, and that if we are able to provide a valuable and tangible solution to a problem for a customer, then a sale is inevitable. Presupposing of course that the customer actually wants and needs to solve the problem.

In working with sales teams over the last 9 years, I have been intrigued by the number of sales people who perhaps do not share the same belief around sales, and rely almost entirely on inbound interest to generate their sales & revenue. In great times, when there is a built up demand for their solution, this can be quite lucrative. However, at some stage the well begins to dry up and sales people need to get proactive. Unfortunately not all of them do. And they run the danger of becoming the industry’s best kept secret. We don’t want that.